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In this page we introduce an interview to Enzo Di Maio M.D., made by our scientific team


Question: Which are the causes that provoke Psoriasis?


Answer of the Enzo Di Maio, M.D.: Once that it has happened the conception has the formation of a new DNA (genetic code), where the necessary information to the life of the individual will be written all. In the DNA they are present the highest number of geniuses. The geniuses are containing parts of DNA one specific information, like the colour of the eyes or hats. Many diseases have root in the genetic predisposition of the individual. The nature of these pathologies is based on the correlation of numerous geniuses between of they. Therefore we can assert that many diseases have one base of poligenical predisposition.


In this context we find very many pathologies between which psoriasis, seborrhoic dermatitis, vitiligo, many dermatitis you, diabetes of the adult, rheumatoid arthritis, Psoriasis Arthritis, lupus, many thyroid like the thyroid ones of Hashimoto, essential the arterial hypertension, disease of Crohn or the regional ileitis, the colitis rectum and many others. In the interrelation between the geniuses it is written to you if that subject is predisposed, in the future, to become ill itself of one rather than of an other disease. In some cases they can more be present than one pathology in the same subject. In the course of the life of the individual, there is, inevitable, an  accumulate of toxins had to various causes. We can subdivide them in inside causes and outside causes.


The inside causes are in the wrong feeding, in what we drink, in the air that we breathe and from the atmosphere in which we live, comprised the causes chemistries and/or physics like toxic substances (assumed drugs, toxic presents in the surrounding atmosphere, radiations, etc). For the outside causes we must consider the interface of that individual with the world that encircles it, that is its microcosm. Therefore all that that the person encircles, like the working, familiar, scholastic atmosphere, the economic side, etc can carry to having of the thoughts denied to you. These stressful factors are translate, in the individual, an increase of toxins.


A negative thought can be poisinous than a poisoned food. It is not of agreement? ... (continuing)… All that involves a situation of stress beyond the physiological one in the organism .Therefore will form a sure toxin number and once accumulated in excess they will be manifested with the present predispositions in the DNA of that individual. Therefore the age in which an other pathology will be able to be manifested or will depend is from how many toxins is accumulated and is from the same predisposition of the subject.


Question: How is it possible to cure or to make to revert the psoriasis?


Answer of the Enzo Di Maio, M.D.: Premised the made speech previously, it appears clearly that we can subdivide the possibilities in two great lines. Before it could be local and the second one will be general. Like all healthy good, they exist in commerce numerous produced topical made up of cortisone and of other substances chemistries, of insufficient or null effectiveness.


While it can be stated, in base to personal experiences, a remarkable effectiveness in natural products, that moreover they are optimally tolerated. These natural products can be use you alone also, also because they do not need of medical prescription. All do not have want and/or the possibility and/or the necessity to it to carry the general aspect ahead.


Question: Can explain us the aspects from the general point of view?


Answer of the Enzo Di Maio, M.D.: The cure from the general point of view normally previews the use of immunosoppressori or also it calls to you immunomodulatori. Personally they are not at all of agreement with I use it of these substances in these pathologies. To my opinion, for being able to raise a depressed immune system we must in the first place eliminate the greater toxin amount and bring back to the equilibrium the same individual.


Question: : How it is possible to bring back to the equilibrium an individual with problematic similar?


Answer of the Enzo Di Maio, M.D.: A closely personal approach will have to be faced. As it says the saying that all how many know "cannot be made of all the grass a bundle", the causes that in that individual, have carried to the disease, and therefore to the imbalance, are of the all personal, even if pathology is introduced identical or similar in other individuals. For every individual it is various, has a different DNA.


Therefore the answer to stressful factors could not be the same one. After more than twenty years than studies care the present medicines in the world I have been able to state the correctness and the effectiveness of the philosophy of the ayurvedica medicine. The ayurvedica medicine places to the middle of its philosophy the individual, that it has or more problematic and leaving from that finds like, in that case, us will have to be involved, to the therapeutic level, in order to find again the lost equilibrium and therefore the health.


Question: To practical level, as it will be able to make a person that desires to resolve its regarding problems of health pathologies of which it has spoken to us previously like the psoriasis, the seborrhoic dermatitis , the vitiligo, the dermatitis you, the diabetes of the adult, the rheumatoid arthritis, the Psoriasis Arthritis, the lupus, the thyroid ones of Hashimoto, essential the arterial hypertension, the disease of Crohn, the colitis rectum?


Answer of the Enzo Di Maio, M.D.: It is necessary, with an taken care of visit, to know the individual in all the aspects comprised its constitution. Then it will be attempted to characterize the probable causes that are to the root of the problematic ones of the subject. Once fact this will be able to be begun to construct that one that could be the personal therapy.


In great lines, it can be said that, one will begin with one first phase of Detoxification, that is elimination of the greater possible toxin number. Then personal correct feeding will be constructed one. It sees.... the philosophy of the ayurvedica medicine considers the alimony like drugs. According to the ayurvedica medicine the food will have to be in agreement with the person who eats it.


This speech would be along exposing hour, will be able to send back it to an other eventual interview. Returning to the argument in issue, therefore beyond to an feeding studied to personal level for that individual, in that moment of its life, with its problematic ones it will be able to beprescribed of the supplements specific and variable, useful to find again the equilibrium and the same health.


Question: For how much time this therapeutic approach must be carried ahead?


Answer of the Enzo Di Maio, M.D.: Normally it is succeeded to having of the optimal ones turns out to you in approximately two months. Obviously they exist of the cases that need of a longer time in function of the specific causes and the same subject. any case, if the individual in issue, behaves itself correctly, the improvement is progressive and happens day after day. Therefore one is it stimulates to you and it motivates to you to follow with thoroughness the therapy. In the case in which a general approach is wanted to be followed it is necessary to be you follow yourself from a good doctor.


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Interview RAI, Mi Manda RAI 3 to Dr. Enzo DI MAIO



This interview has been realized from the scientific writing of the Shivax s.r.l. and all the rights reserved. In the case desires to be published all or leave of this interview are necessary to obtain from the Shivax s.r.l. a written consent



Dr. Enzo DI MAIO

This article has been written with the scientific collaboration of Dr. Enzo DI MAIO, that from more than 30 years pratices successfully these methods.
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Cure Skin Alopecia Candida Ayurvedic Medicine Interviews

  Psoriasis and Photos   Areata Alopecia   Candida Man   What is?   to Dr. DI MAIO about Psoriasis
  Seborrheic Dermatitis   Androgenetic Alopecia   Candida Woman   Interview RAI   to Dr. DI MAIO about Candida
  Atopic Dermatitis   Interview to Dr. DI MAIO   Intestinal Candida   Constitution Test   to Dr. DI MAIO about Baldness
  Contact Dermatitis   Alopecia Man   Genital Candida   Preliminary Tests   to Dr. DI MAIO
  Lichen   Alopecia Woman   Irritable Bowel   Lose Weight & Ayurveda   to Dr. DI MAIO on RAI 3
  Acne   Clinical Trial about Alopecia   Recurrent Cystitis   Reiky   Dr. DI MAIO's Method
  Eczema Arthritis Woman   Kinesiology Clinical Trials  
  Erythema Baby   Psoriatic Arthritis   Menopause   Flowers of Bach   Clinical Study about Psoriasis Dr.  Enzo DI MAIO
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