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Contact Dermatitis is a disease that concerns many people of the world.

Usually we can define Contact Dermatitis as an hereditary illness; in fact it is possible to find different people suffering from this pathology within the same family. Very often in the same family you can find many people suffering from different pathologies as follows: adult diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematic, vitiligo and psoriasis, too. The reason stands in the Polygenic nature of these diseases. In other words, the trend to fall ill is written, not on a single gene, but on more genes.


The DNA (genetic code) reveals the predisposition of suffering from Contact Dermatitis, even from the birth.

The characteristic Skin lesions will appear only when a person is in a stress condition. This means that there are too many toxins  in the body.


A little example...

In a car we have a switchboard, full of lights. They can blink to indicate that something doesn't work. In the "human machine" these lights are represented by different symptoms. The Contact Dermatitis lesions are warning lights that come out to warn us that there are too many toxins in our body.


But where do they come from ?



Dr. Enzo DI MAIO

Interview RAI, Mi Manda RAI 3  

From an incorrect and unhealthy diet
From the liquids  we drink
From the air that penetrates our lungs
From the thoughts that crowd our mind


As concerns Contact Dermatitis,  thoughts are doubly  important. In fact, when the Skin lesions come out, they can be reduced, extended or modified, new lesions could come out, establishing a negative attitude.

The first thing to do is remove the skin lesions to recover joy and positive thoughts.


Now it is possible to achieve the "Restitutio ad Integrum" of Skin lesions, thanks to the natural local application  of


For those persons whose body is entirely covered with Psoriasis it would be useful a General Approach or a Personal Protocol together with the NATURAL LOCAL 100% APPLICATION  of  

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4 Certification Shivax® in Spain dr. Mazzuka
5 Certification Shivax® in Brazil dr. R. Romera
6 Scientific Study Shivax® on Alopecia

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Dr. Enzo DI MAIO

This article has been written with the scientific collaboration of Dr. Enzo DI MAIO, that from more than 30 years pratices successfully these methods.
For another informations you can call us at the numbers that you find at the end of the page

We thank both Encyclopedia De Agostini "Omnia 2002", and Encyclopedia De Agostini "Omnia 2003", for the Quotes and Links only at this WebSite,
on Second Volumes(2002 , 2003 and followings) dedicated to the Medicine, to
and Arthritis



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Cure Skin Alopecia Candida Ayurvedic Medicine Interviews

  Psoriasis and Photos   Areata Alopecia   Candida Man   What is?   to Dr. DI MAIO about Psoriasis
  Seborrheic Dermatitis   Androgenetic Alopecia   Candida Woman   Interview RAI   to Dr. DI MAIO about Candida
  Atopic Dermatitis   Interview to Dr. DI MAIO   Intestinal Candida   Constitution Test   to Dr. DI MAIO about Baldness
  Contact Dermatitis   Alopecia Man   Genital Candida   Preliminary Tests   to Dr. DI MAIO
  Lichen   Alopecia Woman   Irritable Bowel   Lose Weight & Ayurveda   to Dr. DI MAIO on RAI 3
  Acne   Clinical Trial about Alopecia   Recurrent Cystitis   Reiky   Dr. DI MAIO's Method
  Eczema Arthritis Woman   Kinesiology Clinical Trials  
  Erythema Baby   Psoriatic Arthritis   Menopause   Flowers of Bach   Clinical Study about Psoriasis Dr.  Enzo DI MAIO
  Herpes   Rrheumatoid Arthritis   Dyspareunia   Diabetes I and II   Certifications in Spain
  Psoriatic Arthritis     Painful Sexual Intercourses   Metabolic Syndrome   Certifications in Brazil
  Photos Psoriasis         Panic Attacks- DSP   Clinical Study about Alopecia
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